Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why Won’t Obama and the Dems Trust A Man With Two First Names?

Leona Helmsley, the billionaire hotel queen, once famously kidded:  “Never trust anyone with two first names.”  Sadly, it appears that Obama and the congressional Democrats are taking her joke literally by shamelessly ignoring Paul Ryan’s (WI-1) comprehensive fiscal plan for America.

Ryan, a ranking member of the House Banking Committee, put together a detailed plan for reforming Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and the income tax.  His plan is called "A Roadmap to America's Future, Version 2.0" and even has its own website.  Why Version 2.0?  Because Obama and the congressional Democrats ignored his original plan introduced in 2008 … (of course, debating Ryan’s plan would be contradictory to their portrayal of the GOP as the party of “No” (click for DNC web ad video).  Plus, Version 2.0 “reflect[s] the dramatic decline in our nation’s economic and fiscal condition."      

Through Ryan’s relentless efforts on cable television (see below) and in the editorial pages, his plan has finally gotten the attention of the White House.  White House budget director Peter Orszag said on Tuesday that the Ryan Plan is “a dramatically different approach” from their own.  Under Ryan’s plan, Orszag said, “much more risk is loaded onto individuals.”    In other words, Statists fear individualism.    

Ryan says it best:
"I'm one guy from Wisconsin with a small staff, and if I can put out a plan that solves our fiscal crisis, surely the head of our government can do the same."

We hope that Obama and the congressional Democrats (including “Must Go” Congressman Alan Grayson) begin trusting this man from Wisconsin with two first names.   To read a side-by-side comparison of the House Republican alternative to the Democrats’ government takeover of health care, click HERE.         

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